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- 10 rem copyright 1989 compute! publications inc. - all rights reserved
- 20 ifok=0thenpoke55,0:poke56,80:clr
- 30 ifok=3then700
- 40 ifpeek(52033)=8thenok=1
- 50 ifok=0thenok=1:load"rgb kit",8,1
- 60 ifok=1thenok=2:sys52000
- 70 goto180
- 80 p=s+int(y/8)*320+int(x/8)*8+(yand7):pokep,peek(p)or2^(7-(xand7)):return
- 90 ifabs(x2-x1)>abs(y2-y1)then120
- 100 m=(x2-x1)/(y2-y1):gosub140:sp=(y1>y2or1):x=x1
- 110 fory=y1toy2stepsp:gosub80:x=x+m:nexty:return
- 120 m=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1):gosub140:sp=(x1>x2or1):y=y1
- 130 forx=x1tox2stepsp:gosub80:y=y+m:nextx:return
- 140 ifnot(((abs(m)<1)and(x1>x2))or((abs(m)>1)and(y1>y2)))thenreturn
- 150 x=x1:x1=x2:x2=x:y=y1:y1=y2:y2=y:return
- 160 u=1/((NULL)*rx):r1=ry*.72
- 170 fort=btoestepu:x=rx*cos(t)+x1:y=r1*sin(t)+y1:gosub80:nextt:return
- 180 print"[147]"tab(13)"rgb kit demo"
- 190 print"the caps lock [146] key now toggles between"
- 200 print"the fast and slow modes. in the fast"
- 210 print"mode, the composite screen is blanked."
- 220 print"you must switch your monitor to rgb to"
- 230 print"see the screen. the commodore[146]+shift[146]"
- 240 print"key combination is still active in rgb"
- 250 print"mode."
- 260 print"switch your monitor to rgb mode and"
- 270 print"then press space[146] to cycle the character"
- 280 print"colors. press return[146] to continue":c=1
- 290 getk$:ifk$<>" "andk$<>chr$(13)then290
- 300 ifk$=" "thensys52006,c:c=(c+1)and15:goto290
- 310 print"[147]let's do a speed test. during the test,"
- 320 print"the screen fills with random characters."
- 330 print"use the caps lock[146] key to toggle"
- 340 print"between fast and slow modes. there is"
- 350 print"a marked difference in speed between"
- 360 print"the two modes. to exit the test press return[146]."
- 370 getk$:ifk$=""then370
- 380 sys52009,5
- 390 print"[147]":z=1024
- 400 c=int(rnd(0)*256):pokez,c
- 410 getk$:ifk$=chr$(13)then440
- 420 z=z+1:ifz<2024then400
- 430 goto390
- 440 sys52009,20
- 450 print"[147]normally, the rgb screen displays the"
- 460 print"same thing as the composite screen."
- 470 print"it can display the contents of memory"
- 480 print"anywhere in the 64's address space."
- 490 print"just for fun, let's look at part of the"
- 500 print"ram used by the basic interpreter."
- 510 print"press return[146] to continue."
- 520 getk$:ifk$=""then520
- 530 sys52012,0:sys52009,5
- 540 getk$:ifk$<>chr$(13)then540
- 550 sys52012,1024:sys52009,20
- 560 print"[147]the 64 has two character sets which can"
- 570 print"be toggled in and out by pressing the"
- 580 print"commodore[146]+shift[146] keys. rgb kit also"
- 590 print"has two character sets. unlike the"
- 600 print"normal 64 character sets, rgb kit's sets"
- 610 print"can be changed very easily. this part"
- 620 print"of the demo loads a new character set"
- 630 print"which replaces the uppercase/lowercase"
- 640 print"set in rgb mode. press commodore[146]+shift[146]";
- 650 print"to toggle between the new set and the"
- 660 print"standard set. press return[146] to continue."
- 670 getk$:ifk$=""then670
- 680 print"[147]loading character set"
- 690 print"please wait...":ok=3:sys52003:load"chrset",8,1
- 700 sys52000:sys52015,40960,1:print"[147] character set demo"
- 710 forz=0to255:poke1104+z,z:next
- 720 print"the quick brown fox jumped over":print"the lazy dog."
- 730 getk$:ifk$<>chr$(13)then730
- 740 sys52003:sys52000
- 750 print"[147]rgb kit's most spectacular ability is"
- 760 print"its ability to display hi-res screens."
- 770 print"a hi-res screen can be taken from any"
- 780 print"location in the 64's ram, including the"
- 790 print"ram under the basic rom, kernal rom and"
- 800 print"i/o space. press space[146] to generate and"
- 810 print"display a bitmap screen. press return[146]"
- 820 print"to exit the demo."
- 830 getk$:ifk$<>" "andk$<>chr$(13)then830
- 840 ifk$=chr$(13)then990
- 850 print"[147]please wait...drawing"
- 860 fori=0to35:reada:poke49152+i,a:nexti:sys49152:s=32768:c=31744
- 870 x1=150:y1=85:rx=75:ry=rx:b=0:e=2*(NULL):gosub160
- 880 x1=115:y1=70:rx=15:ry=rx:b=0:e=2*(NULL):gosub160
- 890 x1=185:y1=70:rx=15:ry=rx:b=0:e=2*(NULL):gosub160
- 900 x1=150:y1=90:rx=60:ry=50:b=10*(NULL)/180:e=170*(NULL)/180:gosub160
- 910 x1=150:y1=90:rx=63:ry=30:b=20*(NULL)/180:e=160*(NULL)/180:gosub160
- 920 x1=75:y1=150:x2=140:y2=162:gosub90:x1=140:y1=162:x2=160:y2=162:gosub90
- 930 x1=160:y1=162:x2=225:y2=150:gosub90:x1=225:y1=150:x2=225:y2=190:gosub90
- 940 x1=225:y1=190:x2=160:y2=178:gosub90:x1=160:y1=178:x2=140:y2=178:gosub90
- 950 x1=140:y1=178:x2=75:y2=190:gosub90:x1=75:y1=190:x2=75:y2=150:gosub90
- 960 x1=140:y1=162:x2=140:y2=178:gosub90:x1=160:y1=162:x2=160:y2=178:gosub90
- 970 sys52000:sys52018,s,c
- 980 getk$:ifk$<>chr$(13)then980
- 990 sys52000:print"[147]end of demo.":sys52003:end
- 1000 data 169,0,168,162,32,153
- 1010 data 0,128,200,208,250,238
- 1020 data 7,192,202,208,244,169
- 1030 data 48,160,0,162,4,153
- 1040 data 0,124,200,208,250,238
- 1050 data 25,192,202,208,244,96